question:සබුක්කුව යනු කුමක් ද ?කුමන බසකින් ආවක් ද?
answer:සබුක්කුව, සබක්කුව, සඹුක්කුව , n. whip, කසය.වචනය එන්නේ ඉන්දියාවෙන් හින්දි හෝ දෙමළ බසින්, මැලේ හෝ ජාවා බසින්, හෝ පෘතුගීසි බසින් වගේ හොබ්සන්-ජෝබ්සන් ශබ්දකෝෂය අනුව පේන්නේ. දකුණු අප්රිකාවට ගිහින් එතැනින් ඉංග්රීසි බසට ඇවිත් වගේ. ලංකාවට එන්න ඇත්තේ ඍජුව දෙමළ බසින්ද දන්නේ නෑ. (පහතින් බලන්න).1. දෙමළ = සබුක්කුசவுக்கு cavukku කසය2. සම්බොක් = දකුණු අප්රිකාවෙන් ආ ඉංග්රීසි වචනයක්Sjambok /ˈʃambɒk/ (in South Africa) a long, stiff whip, originally made of rhinoceros hide.3. පෘතුගීසිEdmund Woodhouse, “Influence of the Portuguese and Dutch Languages on The Sinhalese and The Tamil, The Orientalist, ed William Goonatilake, pp. 223 – 226 and continued on 155 - 158.” පෘතුගීසි වචනයක් කිව්වත් එහෙම හෝඩුවාවක් නැහැ.4. ඉන්දීය-ඉංග්රීසි වචනයක්?1886 Hobson-Jobson-The Anglo Indian DictionaryCHAWBUOK (s. and v.) A whip; to whip.An obsolete vulgarism from P. chabuk, 'alert'; in H. 'a horsewhip. It seems to be the same as the sjambok in use at the Cape, and apparently carried from India (see the quotation from Van Twist) [Mr. Skeat points out that Klinkert gives chambok or sambok, as Javanese forms, the standard Malay being chabok or chabuk; and this perhaps suggests that the word may have been introduced by Malay grooms once largely employed at the Cape.]1648 "Poor and little thieves are flogged [with a great whip called Siamback] several days in succession" (Van Froist, 29).1673 "Upon any suspicion of default he has a Black Guard that [by a Chawbuck, a great Whip, extorts Confession].” (Fryer, 98).1673 "The one was of an Armenian, [Chawbucked through the City] for selling of Wine.” (Fryer, 97).1682 "Ramgivan, our Vekeel there (at Hugly) was sent for by Permesuradass, Bulchand's servant, who immediately clapt him in prison. Ye same day was brought forth and slippered; the next day he was beat on ye soles of his feet, [ye third day Chawbuckt], and ye 4th drub'd till he could not speak, and all to force a writing in our names to pay Rupees 50,000 for custome of ye Silver brought out this year." (Hedges, Diary, Nov. 2; Hak. Soc. i. 45).1684-5 “Notwithstanding his being a great person was soon stripped and [chawbackt].” (Pringle, Madras Consns. iv. 4.)1688.-"Small offenders are only [whipt on the Back, which sort of Punishment they call Chawback.]" (Dampier, ii. 138).1699 “The Governor of Surrat ordered the cloth Broker to be tyed up and [chawbacked]." (Latter from General und Council at Bombay to E. I. C. in Record Office, 23rd March, 1898-9).1726 “Another Parish he [chawbucke 25 blows], put him in the Stocks, and kept him there an hour." (Wheeler, ii. 410).1756 "A letter from Mr. Hastings. says that the Nabob to engage the Dutch and French to purchase also, had put peons upon their Factories and threatened their vaquills with the [Chaubac].” “In Long, 79).1760 "Mr. Barton, laying in wait, seized Benautrom Chattogee opposite to the door of the Council, and with the assistance of his bearer and his peons tied his hands and his feet, swing him upon a bamboo like a hog, carried him to his own house, there with his own hand [chawbooked] him in the most cruel manner, almost to the deprivation of life; endeavoured to force beef into his mouth, to the irreparable loss of his Brahmin’s caste, and all this without giving ear to, or suffering the man to speak in his own defence." (Fort Wm. Conn., in Long, 214-215.)1784 "The sentinels placed at the door - Are for our security bail; [With Muskets and Chanbooks secure]; They guard us in Bangalore Jail.” (Song, by a Gentleman of the Navy -prisoner with Hyder- in Seton Prisoner with Karr, 18).1817 “ready to prescribe his favourite regimen of the [Chabuk for every man, woman, or child who dared to think otherwise]." (Lalla Rookh).
question:какова биография Павела Пестеля?
answer:Павел Иванович Пестель (1793-1826) был русским офицером и одним из ключевых фигур в движении декабристов. Павел Пестель родился 15 июня 1793 года в Санкт-Петербурге, в семье дворянина. Он получил образование в Кадетском корпусе и впоследствии вступил в русскую армию. Пестель принимал участие в войнах России против Наполеона, включая войну 1812 года. В ходе своей военной карьеры он достиг звания капитана. Пестель стал одним из главных идеологов декабристов и играл важную роль в подготовке и организации декабристского восстания 14 декабря 1825 года. Он разработал проект "Россия должна быть республикой" и считал, что Россия должна стать конституционной республикой. Несмотря на свою важную роль в планировании восстания, Пестель не смог участвовать в самом событии, так как был арестован за несколько дней до восстания в связи с изменением его планов и схем. После ареста Пестель был подвергнут суду. Он был приговорен к смертной казни и повешен 13 июля 1826 года в Петербурге.Павел Пестель оставил наследие как одна из важнейших фигур в движении декабристов и их идеолог. Его идеи о конституционной республике и политических реформах оказали влияние на последующие поколения русских реформаторов и диссидентов.
question:வினா : அறுவை சிகிச்சையின் தந்தை?
answer:விடை : சுஸ்ருதர்
question:Bu paragrafın devamını yazın: Bilinen ilk ele geçirilen kartal olayı 1805 yılındaki Austerlitz Muharebesi
answer:nde yaşanmıştır. Grandük Konstantin Pavloviç komutasındaki Rus Muhafız Süvari Birliği Fransız 4. Piyade Alayını muharebenin başlarında ezmiş ve kartallarını ele geçirmiştir. Napolyon muharebeyi kazansa da düzenli olarak geri çekilebilen Rus birliklerinden kartal geri alınamayacak ve büyük bir onursuzluk olarak değerlendirilecektir.
question: Ата-эне үчүн жан жакындары үчүн окулуучу дуба
answer:✨Окулушу: Аллахумма ихдинияй yo уалидайи уа аксарибий аляссыроти ль мустакыйм✨Мааниси: Оо, Аллахым мени ата-энемди, тугандарымды туура жолго сал
question:اين يوجد الجبل الاخضر؟
answer:سلطنة عمان.