question:Picture this SVG on a wizard's parchment. How can we make it look inked with quill and surrounded by magical runes?<svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M2 6C2 3.79086 3.79086 2 6 2H26C28.2091 2 30 3.79086 30 6V26C30 28.2091 28.2091 30 26 30H6C3.79086 30 2 28.2091 2 26V6Z" fill="#8D65C5"/><path d="M16 17C16.5523 17 17 16.5523 17 16C17 15.4477 16.5523 15 16 15C15.4477 15 15 15.4477 15 16C15 16.5523 15.4477 17 16 17Z" fill="white"/><path d="M15.1339 6.49994L12.8246 10.4999L8.20572 10.4999C7.43592 10.4999 6.95479 11.3332 7.33969 11.9999L9.64912 15.9999L7.33972 19.9999C6.95482 20.6666 7.43594 21.4999 8.20574 21.4999H12.8245L15.1339 25.4999C15.5188 26.1666 16.4811 26.1666 16.866 25.4999L19.1754 21.4999H23.7942C24.564 21.4999 25.0451 20.6666 24.6602 19.9999L22.3508 15.9999L24.6602 11.9999C25.0451 11.3332 24.564 10.4999 23.7942 10.4999L19.1754 10.4999L16.866 6.49994C16.4811 5.83327 15.5188 5.83327 15.1339 6.49994ZM16 7.99994L17.4433 10.4999H14.5566L16 7.99994ZM9.07174 11.9999H11.9585L10.5151 14.4999L9.07174 11.9999ZM13.6906 11.9999H18.3094L20.6188 15.9999L18.3093 19.9999H13.6906L11.3812 15.9999L13.6906 11.9999ZM9.07177 19.9999L10.5151 17.4999L11.9585 19.9999H9.07177ZM15.9999 23.9999L14.5566 21.4999H17.4433L15.9999 23.9999ZM21.4848 17.4999L22.9282 19.9999H20.0414L21.4848 17.4999ZM22.9281 11.9999L21.4848 14.4999L20.0414 11.9999H22.9281Z" fill="white"/></svg>
answer:There are a few ways to make an SVG look as though it's been inked with a quill, drawn on parchment, and surrounded by magical runes. The following approach uses Inkscape, a free, open source vector graphics editor:1. Open up your SVG image in Inkscape or any other vector graphics editor that you prefer.2. Make the lines look hand drawn: Use a "Calligraphy" tool to make the lines look like they've been inked with a quill. Add some randomness and variation to the stroke width to give it a more handwritten look.3. Add a parchment-like background: Create a new layer to serve as your parchment background. Apply a texture, gradient or color that feels like old paper. Using a faded yellowish tone with speckles can often give a good parchment look.4. Create magical runes: Use the "Text" tool to create runes around your main image. There are several fonts available that have a runic or arcane style. Some of these resemble the symbols or characters seen in cultures that are often associated with magic, such as ancient Norse, Celtic or even mystic symbols from the fictional worlds.5. Apply a pseudo 3D effect: To give the impression of ink standing out on the parchment, apply a slight drop shadow to the main image and runes. Make the shadow's color a darker version of your parchment background, and ensure it's positioned to make your main image and runes pop a little to simulate a 3D effect.Remember to group your initial image so it doesn't get affected by the subsequent steps. When exporting the final image, use a format that preserves transparency if you want to keep the parchment background see-through, such as PNG.
question:You will be shown a question, followed by excerpts from biomedical research papers. Please answer the question based on the provided context. Do not include any text in your response other than the answer.Question: What is BEL(Biological Expression Language) used for?Context: The BioCreative-V community proposed a challenging task of automatic extraction of causal relation network in Biological Expression Language (BEL) from the biomedical literature.The BioCreative community has organized a shared task to evaluate the robustness of the causal relationship extraction algorithms in Biological Expression Language (BEL) from biomedical literature.Biological expression language (BEL) is a syntax representation allowing for the structured representation of a broad range of biological relationships. It is used in various situations to extract such knowledge and transform it into BEL networks.Biological Expression Language (BEL) assembles knowledge networks from biological relations across multiple modes and scales.or network representation, the Biological Expression Language (BEL) is well designed to collate findings from the scientific literature into biological network models. ToBiological expression language (BEL) is one of the most popular languages to represent the causal and correlative relationships among biological events.his work, we demonstrate how disease-related epigenetic knowledge can be systematically captured and integrated with heterogeneous information into a functional context using Biological Expression Language (BEL). ThiSummary: Biological Expression Language (BEL) assembles knowledge networks from biological relations across multiple modes ande-edge relationships are described using the Biological Expression Language (BEL), which allows for the semantic representation of life science relationships in a computable format. The NetworBiological expression language (BEL) is one of the main formal representation models of biological networks.logical expression language (BEL) is a syntax representation allowing for the structured representation of a broad range of biological relationships. Itsemi-automated knowledge extraction workflow is presented that was developed to allow users to extract causal and correlative relationships from scientific literature and to transcribe them into the computable and human readable Biological Expression Language (BEL).Biological expression language (BEL) is a syntax representation allowing for the structured representation of a broad range of biological relationships.The extraction of complex relationships and their conversion to biological expression language (BEL) overview of the BioCreative VI (2017) BEL track.Biological expression language (BEL) is one of the most popular languages to represent the causal and correlative relationships among biological events.For network representation, the Biological Expression Language (BEL) is well designed to collate findings from the scientific literature into biological network models.Biological expression language (BEL) is one of the main formal representation models of biological networks.BEL was designed to capture relationships not only between proteins or chemicals, but also complex events such as biological processes or disease states.BEL is an advanced knowledge representation format which has been designed to be both human readable and machine processable.Here, we describe the new corpora in the systems biology modeling language BEL for training and testing biological relationship extraction systems that we prepared for the BioCreative V BEL track.
answer:Biological Expression Language (BEL) is a novel method for the statistical extraction of causal relation relationships from large biomedical literature datasets. Biological expression language (BEL) is a syntax representation allowing for the structured representation of a broad range of biological relationships. Biological expression language (BEL) is a syntax representation allowing for the structured representation of a broad range of biological relationships. It is used in various situations to extract such knowledge and transform it into BEL networks. Biological Expression Language (BEL) is a novel method for the automatic extraction of causal relation networks from biomedical literature. Biological Expression Language (BEL) is a novel method for statistical extraction of causal relation networks from biomedical literature. Biological Expression Language (BEL) is a literature-based method for the statistical estimation of causal relation relationships among entities (e.g. species, populations, populations) and temporal relationships among them.
question:Below is an abstract from a computer science research paper. Given this abstract, your task is to extract all unique relationships between entities of the following types:- "USED-FOR": For instance, "Our method models user proficiency" -> ["method", "user proficiency", "USED-FOR"].- "EVALUATE-FOR": For instance, "We evaluate our method using F1-measure" -> ["F1-measure", "method", "EVALUATE-FOR"].- "FEATURE-OF": For instance, "prior knowledge of the model" -> ["prior knowledge", "model", "FEATURE-OF"].- "HYPONYM-OF": For instance, "TUIT is a software library" -> ["TUIT", "software library", "HYPONYM-OF"].- "PART-OF": For instance, "We incorporate NLU module into the system." -> ["NLU module", "system", "PART-OF"].- "COMPARE": For instance, "Unlike the quantitative prior, the qualitative prior is often ignored" -> ["quantitative prior", "qualitative prior", "COMPARE"].- "CONJUNCTION": For instance: "obtained from human expert or knowledge base" -> ["human expert", "knowledge base", "CONJUNCTION"].Format your output as a json array. Each entry in the array should express a single relation, formatted as ["<Entity_A>", "<Entity_B>", "<RELATION_A_B>"]. An example output might look like:[["neural networks", "classification", "USED-FOR"], ["neuron", "neural network", "PART-OF"]].If no relations are found, please return an empty array [].Abstract:This paper describes a particular approach to parsing that utilizes recent advances in unification-based parsing and in classification-based knowledge representation. As unification-based grammatical frameworks are extended to handle richer descriptions of linguistic information, they begin to share many of the properties that have been developed in KL-ONE-like knowledge representation systems. This commonality suggests that some of the classification-based representation techniques can be applied to unification-based linguistic descriptions. This merging supports the integration of semantic and syntactic information into the same system, simultaneously subject to the same types of processes, in an efficient manner. The result is expected to be more efficient parsing due to the increased organization of knowledge. The use of a KL-ONE style representation for parsing and semantic interpretation was first explored in the PSI-KLONE system -LSB- 2 -RSB-, in which parsing is characterized as an inference process called incremental description refinement.
answer:[["parsing", "semantic interpretation", "CONJUNCTION"], ["incremental description refinement", "parsing", "USED-FOR"], ["unification-based grammatical frameworks", "linguistic information", "USED-FOR"], ["classification-based knowledge representation", "unification-based parsing", "CONJUNCTION"], ["PSI-KLONE system", "KL-ONE-like knowledge representation systems", "USED-FOR"], ["approach", "parsing", "USED-FOR"], ["KL-ONE-like knowledge representation systems", "parsing", "USED-FOR"], ["KL-ONE-like knowledge representation systems", "unification-based grammatical frameworks", "USED-FOR"], ["KL-ONE-like knowledge representation systems", "semantic interpretation", "USED-FOR"], ["unification-based parsing", "approach", "USED-FOR"], ["incremental description refinement", "inference process", "HYPONYM-OF"], ["classification-based knowledge representation", "approach", "USED-FOR"], ["classification-based representation techniques", "unification-based linguistic descriptions", "USED-FOR"], ["semantic and syntactic information", "approach", "USED-FOR"]]
question:You will be provided with the titles and abstracts of a collection of medical RCT reports studying a clinical question -- for instance, the efficacy of an intervention on some medical outcome. Please write a few sentences synthesizing the findings of these reports, which could serve as a conclusion section for a systematic review article. Your response should not include any other text. The RCT reports are below.Title 1:Effect of melatonin on jet lag after long haul flights.Abstract 1:To determine whether doses of the pineal hormone melatonin alleviate jet lag. Double blind, placebo controlled crossover trial. Long haul return flights from Auckland, New Zealand, to London and back. Twenty volunteers with experience of transcontinental flights (eight women and 12 men aged 28 to 68). Melatonin (or placebo) 5 mg three days before flight, during flight, and once a day for three days after arrival. Symptoms of jet lag. Visual analogue scale for feelings of jet lag and tiredness; profile of moods states questionnaire for vigour-activity and fatigue-inertia; and retrospective ratings 10 days after arrival of sleep pattern, energy, and daytime tiredness. Feelings of jet lag were less for subjects taking melatonin (mean score 2.15 v 3.4); these subjects took fewer days than the placebo group to establish a normal sleep pattern (2.85 v 4.15), to not feel tired during the day (3.0 v 4.6), and to reach normal energy levels (3.25 v 4.7). Results for fatigue-inertia and vigour-activity were similar. For all subjects jet lag was more severe on the return (westward) than the outward (eastward) journey. Melatonin can alleviate jet lag and tiredness after long haul flights.Title 2:Melatonin and jet lag: confirmatory result using a simplified protocol.Abstract 2:This study replicates the alleviation of jet-lag with melatonin in a simplified protocol for eastward flight. At 22-n hr (n is the time-lag between the North American departure point and France), subjects took either melatonin (8 mg, n = 15), or placebo (n = 15) on the day of the return flight and for 3 consecutive days. On day 8, self-ratings significantly discriminated between melatonin and placebo for global treatment efficacy, morning fatigue, and evening sleepiness.Title 3:Comparative study to determine the optimal melatonin dosage form for the alleviation of jet lag.Abstract 3:To compare the impact of various dosage forms of melatonin and placebo on jet lag symptoms, 320 volunteers who had flights over 6 to 8 time zones were recruited for a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. The volunteers received either melatonin 0.5-mg fast-release (FR) formulation, melatonin 5-mg FR formulation, melatonin 2-mg controlled-release (CR) formulation, or placebo. The study medication was taken once daily at bedtime during 4 days after an eastward flight. The volunteers completed the Profile of Mood States (POMS), sleep log, and symptoms questionnaires once daily and the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) three times daily prior to departure and during the 4 days of medication intake postflight. A total of 234 (73.1%) participants were compliant and completed the study. The FR melatonin formulations were more effective than the slow-release formulation. The 5-mg FR formulation significantly improved the self-rated sleep quality (p < .05), shortened sleep latency (p < .05), and reduced fatigue and daytime sleepiness (p < .05) after intercontinental flight. The lower physiological dose of 0.5 mg was almost as effective as the pharmacological dose of 5.0 mg. Only the hypnotic properties of melatonin, sleep quality and sleep latency, were significantly greater with the 5.0-mg dose.Title 4:Jet lag: clinical features, validation of a new syndrome-specific scale, and lack of response to melatonin in a randomized, double-blind trial.Abstract 4:The goals of this study were to validate a new rating scale for measuring severity of jet lag and to compare the efficacy of contrasting melatonin regimens to alleviate jet lag. This was a randomized, double-blind trial of placebo and three alternative regimens of melatonin (5.0 mg at bedtime, 0.5 mg at bedtime, and 0.5 mg taken on a shifting schedule) for jet lag. The subjects were 257 Norwegian physicians who had visited New York for 5 days. Jet lag ratings were made on the day of travel from New York back to Oslo (6 hours eastward) and for the next 6 days in Norway. The main outcome measures were scale and item scores from a new, syndrome-specific instrument, the Columbia Jet Lag Scale, that identifies prominent daytime symptoms of jet lag distress. There was a marked increase in total jet lag score in all four treatment groups on the first day at home, followed by progressive improvement over the next 5 days. However, there were no significant group differences or group-by-time interactions. In addition, there was no group effect for sleep onset, time of awakening, hours slept, or hours napping. Ratings on a summary jet lag item were highly correlated with total jet lag scores (from a low of r = 0.54 on the day of travel to a high of r = 0.80 on day 3). The internal consistency of the total jet lag score was high on each day of the study. The use of melatonin for preventing jet lag needs further study.Title 5:A double-blind trial of melatonin as a treatment for jet lag in international cabin crew.Abstract 5:This study investigated the efficacy of oral melatonin in alleviating jet lag in flight crew after a series of international flights. The optimal time for taking melatonin in this group was also investigated. In a double-blind placebo-controlled trial, 52 international cabin crew were randomly assigned to three groups; early melatonin (5 mg started 3 days prior to arrival until 5 days after return home); late melatonin (placebo for 3 days then 5 mg melatonin for 5 days); and placebo. Daily ratings showed a trend in jet lag, mood, and sleepiness measures toward an improved recovery in the late melatonin group and a worse recovery in the early melatonin group as compared to placebo. Retrospective ratings made 6 days after arrival showed the late melatonin group reported significantly less jet lag and sleep disturbance following the flight compared to placebo. The late melatonin group also showed a significantly faster recovery of energy and alertness than the early melatonin group, which reported a worse overall recovery than placebo. These findings show melatonin may have potential benefits for international aircrew.Title 6:Use of melatonin in recovery from jet-lag following an eastward flight across 10 time-zones.Abstract 6:Subjective, physiological and physical performance variables are affected following travel across multiple time-zones (jet-lag). The objective of the study was to examine the effects of oral melatonin in alleviating jet-lag by investigating its effects on subjects who had flown from London to Eastern Australia, 10 time-zones to the east. Melatonin (5 mg day(-1)) or placebo capsules were administered to 14 experimental (13 males and 1 female) and 17 control subjects (15 males and 2 females), respectively, in a double-blind study; the time of administration was in accord with the current consensus for maximizing its hypnotic effect. Grip strength and intra-aural temperature were measured on alternate days after arrival at the destination, at four different times of day (between the times 07:00 - 08:00 h, 12:00 - 13:00 h, 16:00 - 17:00 h and 19:00 - 20:00 h local time). In addition, for the first 6 - 7 days after arrival in Australia, subjective ratings of jet-lag on a 0 - 10 visual analogue scale and responses to a Jet-lag Questionnaire (incorporating items for tiredness. sleep, meal satisfaction and ability to concentrate) were recorded at the above times and also on retiring (at about midnight). Subjects continued normally with their work schedules between the data collection times. Subjects with complete data (13 melatonin and 13 placebo subjects), in comparison with published data, showed partial adjustment of the diurnal rhythm in intra-aural temperature after 6 days. A time-of-day effect was evident in both right and left grip strength during adjustment to Australian time; there was no difference between the group taking melatonin and that using the placebo. Right and left grip strength profiles on day 6 were adjusted either by advancing or delaying the profiles, independent of whether subjects were taking melatonin or placebo tablets. Subjects reported disturbances with most measures in the Jet-lag Questionnaire but, whereas poorer concentration and some negative effects upon sleep had disappeared after 3 - 5 days, ratings of jet-lag and tiredness had not returned to 'zero' (or normal values), respectively, by the sixth day of the study. Subjects taking melatonin showed no significant differences from the placebo group in perceived irritability, concentration, meal satisfaction, ease in getting to sleep and staying asleep, frequency of bowel motion and consistency of the faeces. These results suggest that, in subjects who, after arrival, followed a busy schedule which resulted in frequent and erratic exposure to daylight, melatonin had no benefit in alleviating jet-lag or the components of jet-lag, and it did not influence the process of phase adjustment.
answer:Melatonin is remarkably effective in preventing or reducing jet lag, and occasional short-term use appears to be safe. It should be recommended to adult travellers flying across five or more time zones, particularly in an easterly direction, and especially if they have experienced jet lag on previous journeys. Travellers crossing 2-4 time zones can also use it if need be. The pharmacology and toxicology of melatonin needs systematic study, and routine pharmaceutical quality control of melatonin products must be established. The effects of melatonin in people with epilepsy, and a possible interaction with warfarin, need investigation.
question:You will be presented with a collection of medical randomized controlled trial (RCT) reports addressing a shared clinical question -- for instance, the efficacy of a medical intervention on a disease or condition. Given the titles and abstracts of these reports, your task is to generate the conclusion of the systematic review article synthesizing the key findings. Your conclusion should be a few sentences long. In your response, include only the conclusion and no other text. The RCT reports are below.Title 1:AMSTAR is a reliable and valid measurement tool to assess the methodological quality of systematic reviews.Abstract 1:OBJECTIVE Our purpose was to measure the agreement , reliability , construct validity , and feasibility of a measurement tool to assess systematic review s ( AMSTAR ) . STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING We r and omly selected 30 systematic review s from a data base . Each was assessed by two review ers using : ( 1 ) the enhanced quality assessment question naire ( Overview of Quality Assessment Question naire [ OQAQ ] ) ; ( 2 ) Sacks ' instrument ; and ( 3 ) our newly developed measurement tool ( AMSTAR ) . We report on reliability ( interobserver kappas of the 11 AMSTAR items ) , intraclass correlation coefficients ( ICCs ) of the sum scores , construct validity ( ICCs of the sum scores of AMSTAR compared with those of other instruments ) , and completion times . RESULTS The interrater agreement of the individual items of AMSTAR was substantial with a mean kappa of 0.70 ( 95 % confidence interval [ CI ] : 0.57 , 0.83 ) ( range : 0.38 - 1.0 ) . Kappas recorded for the other instruments were 0.63 ( 95 % CI : 0.38 , 0.78 ) for enhanced OQAQ and 0.40 ( 95 % CI : 0.29 , 0.50 ) for the Sacks ' instrument . The ICC of the total score for AMSTAR was 0.84 ( 95 % CI : 0.65 , 0.92 ) compared with 0.91 ( 95 % CI : 0.82 , 0.96 ) for OQAQ and 0.86 ( 95 % CI : 0.71 , 0.94 ) for the Sacks ' instrument . AMSTAR proved easy to apply , each review taking about 15 minutes to complete . CONCLUSIONS AMSTAR has good agreement , reliability , construct validity , and feasibility . These findings need confirmation by a broader range of assessors and a more diverse range of reviewTitle 2:Low-sodium diet in pregnancy: effects on blood pressure and maternal nutritional status.Abstract 2:In ninety-four Dutch nulliparous women the effects of a low-Na diet in pregnancy on blood pressure , energy and nutrient intake , Ca metabolism , Zn and Mg status and body composition were studied longitudinally . The women were r and omly divided into an intervention group ( n 41 ) , which used a low-Na diet ( mean urinary Na excretion 61 mmol/24 h ) from week 14 of pregnancy until delivery and a control group ( n 53 ; mean urinary Na excretion 142 mmol/24 h ) . No effect of the diet on blood pressure was observed . The use of a low-Na diet result ed in significantly reduced intakes of energy , protein , carbohydrates , fat , Ca , Zn , Mg , Fe and cholesterol . However , the women on the low-Na diet appeared to be able to adapt quite well to the reduced intake since Ca , Zn and Mg homeostasis was maintained . In the case of Ca and Mg this was probably due to the observed reduced urinary excretions of these nutrients . Non-significant reductions in weight gain ( 1.5 kg ) and fat-mass gain ( 0.9 kg ) over pregnancy were found in the women on the low-Na diet . No significant effects of the diet on birth weight or placental weight were observedTitle 3:Weight Gain in Women of Normal Weight Before Pregnancy: Complications in Pregnancy or Delivery and Birth OutcomeAbstract 3:OBJECTIVE To investigate the relation between gestational weight gain in women of normal prepregnant weight and complications during pregnancy and delivery in a population with high gestational weight gain and birth weight . METHODS Healthy women ( n = 615 ) of normal weight before pregnancy ( body mass index 19.5–25.5 kg/m2 ) were r and omly selected . Maternity records gave information on age , height , prepregnant weight , gestational weight gain , parity , smoking , gestational hypertension and diabetes , preeclampsia , delivery complications , and infants ' birth size and health . RESULTS The mean weight gain in pregnancy was 16.8 ± 4.9 kg ( mean ± st and ard deviation ) . A total of 26.4 % of the women had complications , either in pregnancy ( 9.1 % ) or delivery ( 17.3 % ) . Women gaining weight according to the recommendation of the Institute of Medicine ( 11.5–16.0 kg ) had lower frequency of pregnancy‐delivery complications than women gaining more than 20.0 kg ( P = .017 ) , but did not differ significantly from those gaining 16–20 kg ( P > .05 ) . When dividing weight gain in pregnancy into quintiles , a relative risk of 2.69 ( 95 % confidence interval 1.01 , 7.18 , P = .048 ) was found for complications in pregnancy in the fourth quintile ( 17.9–20.8 kg ) , using the second quintile as reference ( 12.5–15.5 kg ) . The mean birth weight was 3778 ± 496 g. A low weight gain in pregnancy ( less than 11.5 kg ) was associated with an increased frequency of infants weighing less than 3500 g at birth ( P < .01 ) . CONCLUSION A gestational weight gain of 11.5–16.0 kg ( Institute of Medicine recommendation ) for women of normal prepregnant weight is related to the lowest risk for pregnancy‐delivery complications . In the population studied , the upper limit might be higher ( up to 18 kg ) , and low weight gain should be avoided to optimize birth outcomeTitle 4:Randomized controlled trial to prevent excessive weight gain in pregnant womenAbstract 4:BACKGROUND : The Institute of Medicine ( IOM ) recommends that normal‐weight women ( BMI ( body mass index ) of 19.8–26.0 ) gain 25–35 lb ( 11.4–15.9 kg ) during pregnancy , and that overweight women ( BMI of 26.1–29.0 ) gain 15–25 lbs ( 6.8–11.4 kg ) . A significant number of normal‐weight women and an even greater proportion of overweight women exceed these guidelines , which increases postpartum weight retention and may contribute to the development of obesity . OBJECTIVE : To determine whether a stepped care , behavioral intervention will decrease the percentage of women who gain more than the IOM recommendation . DESIGN : R and omized controlled trial comparing a stepped-care behavioral intervention with usual care . Women ( n=120 ) who had a BMI > 19.8 , age>18 and < 20 weeks gestation were recruited from a hospital-based clinic serving low-income women and r and omized by race and BMI category to the intervention or control group . The intervention group received education about weight gain , healthy eating , and exercise and individual graphs of their weight gain . Those exceeding weight gain goals were given more intensive intervention . Women were followed through pregnancy to their first postpartum clinic visit . The main outcome measure was weight gain during pregnancy categorized as above the IOM recommendations vs below or within the IOM recommendations . RESULTS : The intervention significantly decreased the percentage of normal-weight women who exceeded the IOM recommendations ( 33 vs 58 % , P<0.05 ) . There was a non-significant ( P=0.09 ) effect in the opposite direction among overweight women ( 59 % of intervention and 32 % of control gained more than recommended ) . Postpartum weight retention was strongly related to weight gain during pregnancy ( r=0.89 ) . CONCLUSIONS : The intervention reduced excessive weight gain during pregnancy among normal weight womenTitle 5:A randomised controlled trial of dietary energy restriction in the management of obese women with gestational diabetesAbstract 5:Summary : A r and omised controlled trial was design ed to determine the effect of moderate 30 % maternal dietary energy restriction on the requirement for maternal insulin therapy and the incidence of macrosomia in gestational diabetes . Although the control group restricted their intake to a level similar to that of the intervention group ( 6845 kiloJoules ( kJ ) versus 6579 kJ ) , the result ing cohort could not identify any adverse effect of energy restriction in pregnancy . Energy restriction did not alter the frequency of insulin therapy ( 17.5 % in the intervention group and 16.9 % in the control group ) . Mean birth weight ( 3461 g in the intervention group and 3267 g in the control group ) was not affected . There was a trend in the intervention group towards later gestational age at commencement of insulin therapy ( 33 weeks versus 31 weeks ) and lower maximum daily insulin dose ( 23 units versus 60 units ) which did not reach statistical significance . Energy restriction did not cause an increase in ketonemiaTitle 6:Intervening to reduce weight gain in pregnancy and gestational diabetes mellitus in Cree communities: an evaluation.Abstract 6:BACKGROUND A high prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus and type 2 diabetes has been observed among the Cree of James Bay , Quebec . To address this problem , a diet and activity intervention during pregnancy , which was based on social learning theory , was initiated in 4 Cree communities . METHODS A prospect i ve intervention compared dietary , weight and glycemic indicators for 107 control subjects and for 112 women who received the intervention during the course of their pregnancy . A control period in 4 communities ( July 1995-March 1996 ) was followed by an intervention period ( April 1996-January 1997 ) when subjects were offered regular , individual diet counselling , physical activity sessions and other activities related to nutrition . RESULTS The intervention and control groups did not differ at baseline regarding their mean age ( 24.3 years [ SD 6.29 ] v. 23.8 years [ SD 5.86 ] ) , mean prepregnancy weight ( 81.0 kg [ SD 19.46 ] v. 78.9 kg [ SD 17.54 ] ) and mean gestational age at recruitment ( 17.1 weeks [ SD 7.06 ] v. 18.5 weeks [ SD 6.92 ] ) . The intervention did not result in differences in diet measured at 24 - 30 weeks ' gestation , rate of weight gain over the second half of pregnancy ( 0.53 kg per week [ SD 0.32 ] v. 0.53 kg per week [ SD 0.27 ] ) or plasma glucose level ( 50 g oral glucose screen ) between 24 and 30 weeks ( 7.21 mmol/L [ SD 2.09 ] v. 7.43 mmol/L [ SD 2.10 ] ) . Mean birth weights were similar ( 3741 g [ SD 523 ] v. 3686 g [ SD 686 ] ) , as was maternal weight at 6 weeks post partum ( 88.1 kg [ SD 16.8 ] v. 86.4 kg [ SD 19.0 ] ) . The only changes in dietary intake were a reduction in caffeine ( pregnancy ) and an increase in folate ( post partum ) . INTERPRETATION This intervention had only a minor impact on diet ; finding ways of encouraging appropriate body weight and activity levels remains a challengeTitle 7:Modifiable behavioral factors in a biopsychosocial model predict inadequate and excessive gestational weight gain.Abstract 7:OBJECTIVE The research addresses two questions : Are potentially modifiable psychosocial and behavioral factors related to gestational weight gain ? Do the same factors relate to both excessive and insufficient weight gain ? DESIGN Prospect i ve cohort study that followed women from early pregnancy until two years postpartum . Data were collected through mailed question naires and an audit of the medical record . Subjects/ setting The sample included 622 healthy adult women who gave birth to live singleton infants . Subjects were recruited from all women who registered for prenatal care in a hospital and primary care clinic system serving a 10-county area of Upstate New York . Statistical analyses performed Multiple linear and logistic regression with adjustment for timing of measurements and length of gestation were performed . RESULTS Only 38 % of women gained an amount of weight in pregnancy that was within the range recommended by the Institute of Medicine . Valid and easily implemented measures of change in food intake and physical activity from prepregnancy and cigarette smoking during pregnancy were each significantly ( P<.05 ) and independently related to gestational weight gain . Along with other variables in a biopsychosocial regression model , these variables accounted for 27 % of the variance in gestational weight gain and were also significantly related to risk of inadequate and excessive gain . APPLICATIONS/ CONCLUSIONS The findings facilitate the design of more effective nutrition interventions to promote appropriate gestational weight gain and the long-term health of women and their infantsTitle 8:Gestational Weight Gain, Pregnancy Outcome, and Postpartum Weight RetentionAbstract 8:Objective To determine whether the risk of maternal overweight associated with an excessive rate of gestational gain needs to be balanced against the risks of impaired fetal growth associated with a low rate of gain . Methods Rate of gestational weight gain was measured prospect ively in a sample of 274 young , low-income , and primarily minority women ( 12–29 years old ) with pregravid body mass indices ( BMI ) in the normal range ( 19.8–26.0 ) . We defined an excessive rate of gain between 20–36 weeks ' gestation as one greater than 0.68 kg/week , and a low rate of gain as one less than 0.34 kg/week . Women were followed-up at 4–6 weeks and 6 months postpartum . Results Rate of measured gestational gain between 20–36 weeks ' gestation was associated with total weight gain based on pregravid weight , with infant birth weight and gestation duration , and with maternal overweight ( BMI greater than 26 ) and weight retention postpartum . Infant birth weight and gestation duration were significantly reduced for women with low rates of gain , and there was no significant difference between women with excessive and moderate gains . Despite little difference in pregravid BMI , women with excessive rates of gain retained more weight overall , attained a greater postpartum BMI , and had higher levels of subcutaneous fat and overweight . Maternal anthropometric status showed little change between 4–6 weeks and 6 months postpartum . Conclusion Weight gained at an excessive rate by women with a pregravid BMI in the normal range does not greatly enhance fetal growth and gestation duration , contributing instead to postpartum maternal overweight
answer:The results of published intervention trials are of insufficient quality to enable evidence -based recommendations to be developed for clinical practice in antenatal care
question:You will be shown an abstract from a biomedical research paper. Given this abstract, your task is to extract all unique entities of the following types: ["Chemical"].Please return the output as a JSON object of the format: {"Chemical": ["Arsenic", ...]}. The keys should be entity types and values should be lists of extracted entities belonging to the corresponding type. If you cannot find entities belonging to a specific type, the value should be [].Only output the JSON object and do not include any additional text.Abstract:An associative capacitive network based on nanoscale complementary resistive switches for memory-intensive computing. We report on the implementation of an Associative Capacitive Network (ACN) based on the nondestructive capacitive readout of two Complementary Resistive Switches (2-CRSs). ACNs are capable of performing a fully parallel search for Hamming distances (i.e. similarity) between input and stored templates. Unlike conventional associative memories where charge retention is a key function and hence, they require frequent refresh cycles, in ACNs, information is retained in a nonvolatile resistive state and normal tasks are carried out through capacitive coupling between input and output nodes. Each device consists of two CRS cells and no selective element is needed, therefore, CMOS circuitry is only required in the periphery, for addressing and read-out. Highly parallel processing, nonvolatility, wide interconnectivity and low-energy consumption are significant advantages of ACNs over conventional and emerging associative memories. These characteristics make ACNs one of the promising candidates for applications in memory-intensive and cognitive computing, switches and routers as binary and ternary Content Addressable Memories (CAMs) and intelligent data processing.
answer:{"Chemical": []}