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question:Write a recursive function to calculate the power of two numbers (base^exp) without using any predefined power function in your language. Additionally, implement a feature to handle invalid inputs and exceptions like negative exponents or zero base with non-zero exponent.

answer:Here, I am providing solution with a more efficient approach using Python language.In this approach, we leverage the property of exponents that states if the exponent is even, the power can be calculated as power(x * x, exp / 2), otherwise it can be calculated as x multiplied by power(x * x, exp / 2) if the exponent is odd. This approach takes advantage of recursion and significantly reduces the number of multiplication operations from O(n) to O(log n).```pythondef power(base, exp): if not (isinstance(base, (int, float)) and isinstance(exp, (int, float))): return "Error: both base and exponent must be numbers" if base == 0 and exp <= 0: return "Error: 0 raised to a non positive number is undefined" if exp < 0: return "Error: the function does not support negative exponents" if exp == 0: return 1 if exp == 1: return base if exp % 2 == 0: return power(base * base, exp // 2) else: return base * power(base * base, (exp - 1) // 2)```You can call the function `power(base, exponent)`. Please replace base and exponent with the numbers you wish to calculate the power for.This function also includes checks for negative exponents and zero bases with non-zero exponents, and it returns error messages for these cases. In addition, there is an error message for cases where the base or exponent is not a numeric type.

question:Develop a code that detects the word with the minimal occurrence and its corresponding count in this narrative, while ignoring prepositions, articles, and conjunctions. Also, the code should be case-insensitive."In the chronicles of an era long passed in a territory distantly located, resided a courageous cavalier and a stunning royal maiden"

answer:Here is a Python approach to solve this by using the collections.Counter class for counting the occurrences and excluding the prepositions, articles, and conjunctions in the process.```pythonimport collectionsimport renarrative = "In the chronicles of an era long passed in a territory distantly located, resided a courageous cavalier and a stunning royal maiden"words = re.findall('w+', narrative.lower())# Define a list of words to exclude (prepositions, articles, and conjunctions)excluded_words = ['in', 'of', 'an', 'a', 'and', 'the']filtered_words = [word for word in words if word not in excluded_words]word_counts = collections.Counter(filtered_words)min_occurrence_word = min(word_counts, key=word_counts.get)min_occurrence_count = word_counts[min_occurrence_word]print("The word with the minimal occurrence is '{}' and its corresponding count is {}.".format(min_occurrence_word, min_occurrence_count))```This code should return that every word except the excluded ones have equal occurrence of 1. For instance, it should return: "The word with the minimal occurrence is 'chronicles' and its corresponding count is 1." Note that the result may vary depending on which word the `min()` function picks when there are multiple words with the same minimal occurrence.

question:Devise a script to enable automatic failover from your primary server to a standby server, maintaining service continuity in case of primary server failure.Primary Server IP: Standby Server IP: Name: auto_failoverLogin: serveradminPassword: srvrmaster789

answer:In order to automate the failover, monitoring the health of primary can be done using a tool like heartbeat, clusterlabs, or even a custom bash/python script. This example will illustrate a very basic concept using a bash script.This is simplified and wouldn't be suitable for a production environment. Security is not considered in this script given that the login details are written in plain text, which is insecure. In a realistic scenario you would use a secure method for login, such as using key-based authentication for SSH and storing necessary password securely.Create a file called `` on the server from which you plan to monitor the primary server. ```bash#!/bin/sh# Primary and standby server addressesPRIMARY= STANDBY= Service NameSERVICE=auto_failover# Server credentialsLOGIN=serveradminPASSWORD=srvrmaster789# Check whether primary server is up or notping -c 1 PRIMARY > /dev/null 2>&1if [ ? -ne 0 ]; then # Primary server is down, enable the standby echo "Primary server down, enabling the standby" # Use SSH and service command to start the standby service on the stand-by machine # sshpass package is used to automate ssh password input sshpass -p PASSWORD ssh LOGIN@STANDBY "service SERVICE start" # Mail service can be used for alerting system admins # echo "Standby server enabled" | mail -s "Server Failover" [email protected] 0```In order to execute this script periodically, add it to `cron`. For example, if you want to check every minute, you can add the following line to your crontab with `crontab -e`.```bash* * * * * /path/to/```Note: This is a super simplified scenario. For a production-level system, you would want to use a more sophisticated monitoring and failover solution.

question:Given an array of strings and a string, write a program to find the first index of the string in the array considering letter case and ignoring any leading or trailing white spaces.arr = ["Hello", "World", " World "]string = "World"

answer:This problem can be solved using Python programming language. Here I will write a python function that takes an array of strings and a string as arguments and returns the first index of the string in the array considering letter case and ignoring any leading or trailing white spaces.```pythondef find_index(arr, string): return next((i for i, x in enumerate(arr) if x.strip() == string), -1)arr = ["Hello", "World", " World "]string = "World"print(find_index(arr, string)) # prints: 1```In this code, I use strip method to remove the leading or trailing white spaces from each string in the array. Then I use enumerate method to get the index and element from the array and check if the element equals to the string after removing the spaces. If so, return the index. If the string is not found in the array, return -1 as a sign of not found.

question:You are provided with the abstract of a scientific paper and the abstracts of the papers it references. Your task is to write a Related Work section for the main paper. This section should concisely summarize and integrate the key points from the cited abstracts, reflecting how they relate to the main paper's contributions and context. In your summary, use numerical citation markers like [1], [2], etc., to refer to the corresponding papers.Main Abstract:There is great interest in supporting imprecise queries over databases today. To support such queries, the system is typically required to disambiguate parts of the user-specified query against the database, using whatever resources are intrinsically available to it (the database schema, value distributions, natural language models etc). Often, systems will also have a user-interaction log available, which can supplement their model based on their own intrinsic resources. This leads to a problem of how best to combine the system's prior ranking with insight derived from the user-interaction log. Statistical inference techniques such as maximum likelihood or Bayesian updates from a subjective prior turn out not to apply in a straightforward way due to possible noise from user search behavior and to encoding biases endemic to the system's models. In this paper, we address such learning problems in interactive data retrieval, with specific focus on type classification for user-specified query terms. We develop a novel Bayesian smoothing algorithm, Bsmooth, which is simple, fast, flexible and accurate. We analytically establish some desirable properties and show, through experiments against an independent benchmark, that the addition of such a learning layer performs much better than standard methods.Cited Abstract(s):[1]: Keyword search (KWS) over relational databases has recently received significant attention. Many solutions and many prototypes have been developed. This task requires addressing many issues, including robustness, accuracy, reliability, and privacy. An emerging issue, however, appears to be performance related: current KWS systems have unpredictable running times. In particular, for certain queries it takes too long to produce answers, and for others the system may even fail to return (e.g., after exhausting memory). In this paper we argue that as today's users have been "spoiled" by the performance of Internet search engines, KWS systems should return whatever answers they can produce quickly and then provide users with options for exploring any portion of the answer space not covered by these answers. Our basic idea is to produce answers that can be generated quickly as in today's KWS systems, then to show users query forms that characterize the unexplored portion of the answer space. Combining KWS systems with forms allows us to bypass the performance problems inherent to KWS without compromising query coverage. We provide a proof of concept for this proposed approach, and discuss the challenges encountered in building this hybrid system. Finally, we present experiments over real-world datasets to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed solution.[2]: The prevalence of free text search in web search engines has inspired recent interest in keyword search on relational databases. Whereas relational queries formally specify matching tuples, keyword queries are imprecise expressions of the user’s information need. The correctness of search results depends on the user’s subjective assessment. As a result, the empirical evaluation of a keyword retrieval system’s effectiveness is essential. In this paper, we examine the evolving practices and resources for effectiveness evaluation of keyword searches on relational databases. We compare practices with the longer-standing full-text evaluation methodologies in information retrieval. In the light of this comparison, we make some suggestions for the future development of the art in evaluating keyword search effectiveness.[3]: Extending the keyword search paradigm to relational data has been an active area of research within the database and IR community during the past decade. Many approaches have been proposed, but despite numerous publications, there remains a severe lack of standardization for the evaluation of proposed search techniques. Lack of standardization has resulted in contradictory results from different evaluations, and the numerous discrepancies muddle what advantages are proffered by different approaches. In this paper, we present the most extensive empirical performance evaluation of relational keyword search techniques to appear to date in the literature. Our results indicate that many existing search techniques do not provide acceptable performance for realistic retrieval tasks. In particular, memory consumption precludes many search techniques from scaling beyond small data sets with tens of thousands of vertices. We also explore the relationship between execution time and factors varied in previous evaluations; our analysis indicates that most of these factors have relatively little impact on performance. In summary, our work confirms previous claims regarding the unacceptable performance of these search techniques and underscores the need for standardization in evaluations--standardization exemplified by the IR community.

answer:. Some ad-hoc practices in the keyword search literature that have been criticized [2] [1] [3] , and that we have strived not to incur in are: Existing scoring functions have become increasingly complex while the added value obscure [3] . We have studied and shown in detail the added value of implicit feedback as a DB-extrinsic scoring to be combined by Bsmooth with any existing DB-intrinsic scoring.

question:In the context of Bash scripting, what is the method to ascertain whether a specific substring is present within a larger string?

answer:In Bash scripting, you can use the `[[ string = *substring* ]]` construct to check whether a specific substring is present within a larger string.Here is an example:```bashstring='My string'substring='str'if [[ string = *"substring"* ]]; then echo "Substring is present."fi```In this case, the script will echo "Substring in present." because 'str' is found within 'My string'. If not found, it would not print anything.You should note that wildcards (*) before and after "substring" in the conditional expression mean that any characters can appear before or after the substring. Also, the string is quoted to prevent word splitting and pathname expansion.

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