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question:🇰🇬 Манас эпосу 📚Ыраңшоо балбаныЫргай найза алганы,Ага каршы эр МанасАккула атын чуратты,Бир урганда найзаныЫраңшоону кулатты. Манас Ыраңшоону кайсы урушта өлтүрөт?а) “Нескара менен болгон урушта б) Алооке менен болгон уруштав) Коңурбай менен болгон урушта г) Текес кан менен болгон урушта

answer:а) “Нескара менен болгон урушта

question:Inona no niseho teto Madagasikara tamin'ny 13 oktobra 1946?

answer:Tamin'ny 13 oktobra 1946 dia nolaniana ny Lalàmpanorenana frantsay vaovao izay nanamarika ny fidirana tao anatin’ny Repoblika faha-efatra. Napetraka ny Assemblées provinciales sy ny Assemblée representative ka ry Ranaivo Jules, Raherivelo Ramamonjy sy Rabialahy, avy ao amin’ny MDRM, no voafidy hiasa tao anatin’izany.

question:Sheeg magaca saddexan ee halgame Xalane, meesha uu ku geeriyooday iyo sanadkii uu geeriyooday?

answer: Waxa uu u ciyaari jiray Naadigii Muqdisho (Munishiibiyo), waxaa uu qaadan jiray lambarka 8aad.Sheeg magaca Abwaankii allifay Riwaayaddii “Xuud baa laqay jacaylkii?

question:నీటి మొక్కలలో పరాగ సంపర్కం ఏవిధంగా జరుగుతుంది?

answer:వాలిన్నేరియాలో పరాగ సంపర్కం నీటి ఉపరితలంపై జరుగుతుంది. (ఊర్ధ్వజల పరాగ సంపర్కం). జోస్టర్లో పరాగ సంపర్కం నీటి లోపల జరుగుతుంది. (అథోః జల పరాగ సంపర్కం) గుర్రపుడెక్క నీటి కలువలలో కీటకాల ద్వారా లేదా గాలి ద్వారా పరాగ సంపర్కం జరుగుతుంది.


answer:NEW STORY ALERT ☑THE THORN IN MY FLESHCHAPTER 1Forget it, Stan. That lady is vitreous. I can't wait to take her to the alter. Steve told his best friend.Guy, be calming down. You just met that girl last week. Study her character very well first. Stan advisedAre you jealous? Does Anny look like your girlfriend who hits you up and down, eh? Steve saidMeaning what, Steve? My girlfriend hits me. Is that your business? Why are you trying to look innocent here? You just met Anny last week, and you want to take her to the alter. Okay, go ahead. Stan replied, fuming.Of course I'll take her to the alter; why not take your man beater to the alter too?Stan got up,shook his head, and left him.He was about to enter his car when Anny approached him.Hi Anny, you're looking pretty today. He said he was touching her hair.Pretty as usual, Abeg. She retorted, entering the car.I want to discuss something with you, Stan. Anny said, rubbing his chest with her palm.Go ahead, I'm all ears,he replied, dropping her hand off him.I have feelings for you, Stan. She voiced outStan was perplexed. He stared at Anny and shook his head.Your boyfriend is taking you to the alter soon. Get down from my car. Anny..he shoutedStan, Jiri Nwanyo (take it easy): this is just between you and me; no one will find out. Believe me... She assured himStan sighed and pushed her down from his car.Look at this fool. You want me to betray my best friend, right? Steve is planning to make you his wife, and you're here telling me you have feelings for me. You want to cheat on him, abi? I said it, but he will never listen to me. Anny, how old are you?I'm 27, please, Stan. Don't break my heart, my nah, she pleaded.Inukwa,are you crazy? You want me to betray Steve, God forbid. You sure say this thing is not a prank? He asked himselfAnny sighed, shook her head, and went in to meet Steve.Stan stood shocked. He watched her as she made rhythms with her body.But this girl is a full package. Oh,why does she even want me?

question:Ułóż podane miasta w kolejności od najbardziej południowego do położonego najbardziej na północy: Monachium, Ankara, Malmö, Gdańsk, Wenecja, Lund, Kair.

answer:Oto prawidłowa kolejność: Kair, Ankara, Wenecja, Monachium, Gdańsk, Lund, Malmö.

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