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question:You will be shown a paragraph from a biomedical research article. Your task is to extract all drug combinations appearing in a specific sentence within in the paragraph. Each drug combination should be assigned to one of the following three categories:- POS: Indicates a positive interaction between the drugs in the combination; for instance, drugs that have an additive or synergistic effect.- NEG: Indicates a negative interaction between the drugs in the combination; for instance, combining these drugs might result in adverse side effects, or might reduce their efficacy.- COMB: Indicates that the drugs are given in combination, but the type of interaction between the drugs cannot be determined based on the provided context.Please format your answer as a json array. Each entry in the array should itself be an array formatted as [<drug_1>, <drug_2>, ..., <drug_n>, <category>] where <category> is one of the three categories listed above and <drug_1>, ..., <drug_n> are drug names copied verbatim from the input sentence. Different combinations may involve different numbers of drugs; in other words, the `n` in <drug_n> may vary.As an example, the following output describes two extracted drug combinations; one between two drugs, and one between three drugs:[["artesunate", "artemether", "COMB"], ["Nifedipine", "Labetalol", "Prazosin", "POS"]]The paragraph and specific sentence are below. You should only extract relationships expressed in the specific sentence; the paragraph is provided for context.In your output, return only the json array and no other text. If no drug combinations appear, return an empty array `[]`.paragraph: Efficacy of Topical Combination of 0.25% Finasteride and 3% Minoxidil Versus 3% Minoxidil Solution in Female Pattern Hair Loss: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Study. The relationship between female pattern hair loss (FPHL) and androgenic hormones is not well established, but some evidence indicates oral finasteride may be efficacious in FPHL. Use of a topical formulation has been proposed to minimize unwanted effects. objectives Our objective was to compare the efficacy and safety of topical 0.25% finasteride combined with 3% minoxidil solution and 3% minoxidil solution as monotherapy in the treatment of FPHL. methods This was a prospective, randomized, double-blind study in 30 postmenopausal women with FPHL. Each participant was randomized to receive either topical 0.25% finasteride combined with topical 3% minoxidil or topical 3% minoxidil solution as monotherapy for 24 weeks. To determine efficacy, the hair density and diameter was measured and global photographic assessment was conducted at baseline and 8, 16, and 24 weeks. Side effects and serum dihydrotestosterone levels were also evaluated. results By 24 weeks, hair density and diameter had increased in both groups, and finasteride/minoxidil was significantly superior to minoxidil solution in terms of hair diameter (p = 0.039). No systemic side effects were reported. However, serum dihydrotestosterone levels in the finasteride/minoxidil group significantly decreased from baseline (p = 0.016). conclusion A topical combination of 0.25 % finasteride and 3 % minoxidil may be a promising option in the treatment of FPHL with an additional benefit of increasing hair diameter . Nevertheless, as it may be absorbed percutaneously, it should be reserved for postmenopausal women. Trial Registration; identifier TCTR20160912002.sentence: A topical combination of 0.25 % finasteride and 3 % minoxidil may be a promising option in the treatment of FPHL with an additional benefit of increasing hair diameter .

answer:[["finasteride", "minoxidil", "POS"]]

question:You will be shown an excerpt from a computer science scientific research paper, followed by a question about the paper. Please answer the question. Do not include any text in your response other than the answer.Context: We define the Fire module as follows.A Fire module is comprised of: a squeeze convolution layer (which has only 1x1 filters), feeding into an expand layer that has a mix of 1x1 and 3x3 convolution filters; we illustrate this in Figure 1.The liberal use of 1x1 filters in Fire modules is an application of Strategy 1 from Section 3.1.We expose three tunable dimensions (hyperparameters) in a Fire module: s_{1x1}, e_{1x1}, and e_{3x3}.In a Fire module, s_{1x1} is the number of filters in the squeeze layer (all 1x1), e_{1x1} is the number of 1x1 filters in the expand layer, and e_{3x3} is the number of 3x3 filters in the expand layer.When we use Fire modules we set s_{1x1} to be less than (e_{1x1} + e_{3x3}), so the squeeze layer helps to limit the number of input channels to the 3x3 filters, as per Strategy 2 from Section 3.1.Question: What is the ratio of 1x1 filters in the total number of filters?

answer:The question needs to be related to some certain context but if we consider asking about the ratio of 1*1 filters in each fire module then the answer would be as follows: for a fire module ratio of 1*1 filters w.r.t. all filters can be calculated as (s1x1+e1x1)/(s1x1+e1x1+e3x3) where; s1x1 is the number of filters in the squeeze layer,e1x1 is the number of 1x1 filters in the expand layer, and e3x3 is the number of 3x3 filters in the expand layer. It is also worth to mention that s1x1 is to be less than (e1x1 + e3x3), so the squeeze layer helps to limit the number of input channels to the 3x3 filters.

question:Given a short query with keyphrases about a research idea in 2019 in the domain of artificial intelligence, recommend the relevant datasets to validate the research idea from options provided. A short description of the datasets is also provided to help you.Query: I want to train a model for unsupervised structure prediction from text.Keyphrases: structured prediction textDataset description:Make3D: The Make3D dataset is a monocular Depth Estimation dataset that contains 400 single training RGB and depth map pairs, and 134 test samples. The RGB images have high resolution, while the depth maps are provided at low resolution.WikiReading: WikiReading is a large-scale natural language understanding task and publicly-available dataset with 18 million instances. The task is to predict textual values from the structured knowledge base Wikidata by reading the text of the corresponding Wikipedia articles.Universal Dependencies: The Universal Dependencies (UD) project seeks to develop cross-linguistically consistent treebank annotation of morphology and syntax for multiple languages. The first version of the dataset was released in 2015 and consisted of 10 treebanks over 10 languages.ConvAI2: The ConvAI2 NeurIPS competition aimed at finding approaches to creating high-quality dialogue agents capable of meaningful open domain conversation. The ConvAI2 dataset for training models is based on the PERSONA-CHAT dataset.Options:- A: Make3D B: WikiReading C: Universal Dependencies D: ConvAI2

answer:Universal Dependencies

question:You will be shown inclusion or exclusion criteria for a clinical trial. Given these criteria, your task is to extract all unique entities of the following types: ["Observation", "Condition", "Procedure", "Drug", "Temporal", "Multiplier", "Qualifier", "Negation", "ReferencePoint", "Scope", "Value", "Mood", "Device", "Visit", "Measurement", "Person"].Please return the output as a JSON object of the format: {"Condition" : ["breast cancer", ...], "Device" : ["ports", ...], "Drug" : ["Atenolol", ...], "Measurement" : ["blood pressure", ...], "Mood" : ["suspected", ...], "Multiplier" : ["more than two", ...], "Negation" : ["no", ...], "Observation" : ["history", ...], "Person" : ["male", ...], "Procedure" : ["surgery", ...], "Qualifier" : ["severe", ...], "ReferencePoint" : ["enrollment", ...], "Scope" : ["infection", ...], "Temporal" : ["one day", ...], "Value" : ["50%", ...], "Visit" : ["ICU", ...]}. The keys should be entity types and values should be lists of extracted entities belonging to the corresponding type. If you cannot find entities belonging to a specific type, the value should be [].Only output the JSON object and do not include any additional text.Abstract:Patient who undergoing gynecologic laparoscopic surgeryPatient who agrees to participate in this studyPatient able to speak and understand ThaiPatient able to complete the questionnaire

answer:{"Condition": [], "Device": [], "Drug": [], "Measurement": [], "Mood": [], "Multiplier": [], "Negation": [], "Observation": ["agrees to participate in this study", "able to complete the questionnaire", "able to speak and understand Thai"], "Person": [], "Procedure": ["gynecologic laparoscopic surgery"], "Qualifier": [], "ReferencePoint": [], "Scope": [], "Temporal": [], "Value": [], "Visit": []}

question:You will be presented with the full text of a science research paper. Please write an abstract for this paper. Your response should include the abstract and no additional text.Paper text:in quantum mechanics usually the bound state system described by a hamiltonian must have a scale in the hamiltonian in order to localize it in a region of space .this is the reason a particle with only kinetic term is a free particle with wave - function spreading throughout the space with equal probability .even a particle with a potential @xcite , which transforms the same way the kinetic part transforms under scale transformation @xmath0 , @xmath1 , does not usually possess any bound state @xcite . despite this scale invariance in some problems @xcite onecan still expects bound state solution when quantization of the classical system is preformed . because the process of quantization may introduce a scale into the system .sae @xcite is one way of introducing a scale in the system , thus leading to a quantum mechanical anomaly @xcite .thus although we do nt see the scale in the hamiltonian , it is actually hidden in the boundary condition .sae has been a rigorous method to find the most general boundary conditions for a quantum mechanical model so that the operator , for example the hamiltonian , becomes self - adjoint . for the hamiltonian it is necessary to be self - adjoint , because otherwise the time evolution of the quantum states generated by @xmath2 @xcite will not be unitary .unitarity is essential to keep the norm of the states unchanged through out the transformation .the other importance of the self - adjointness is that the eigen - values are guaranteed to be real .hidden scale problem , quantum anomaly and the implications of self - adjoint extensions , all these three can be found in the case of a free particle dynamics .note that we call a particle free in the sense that the potential for the particle @xmath3 , i.e. , it has only kinetic part in the hamiltonian , @xmath4 .although the form of the hamiltonian is the simplest of all , it raises lot of intriguing facts when viewed as a hamiltonian of a localized wave packet .for example , the localization of a free particle on a half line @xcite is such an interesting problem , where sae gives rise to bound state solutions by introducing a length scale into the system .similarly for a particle confined on a whole plane can have bound state solution , once inequivalent quantization is made @xcite .the largest possible space dimensions in which a free particle can have bound state due to inequivalent quantization is @xmath5 . beyond three dimensions the quantum centripetal inverse square potential arising from pure kinetic term does not allow the localization of the wave - packet . in this letter , in sec .ii we will discuss the problem of binding a free particle on a whole line by generalizing the problem of a particle on a half line . in sec .iii we discuss about a particle moving on a portion of a plane ( see fig .2 ) and also discuss the problem of a free particle on a plane ( see fig .1 ) in the context of hidden scale problem . finally a free particle moving in some region of a three dimensional space has been shown to possess a bound state in sec .iv . all these three problems are scale invariant due to the absence of any potential in the hamiltonian .however the fact that very unusual bound state does exists in all these three cases was not known in the literature as far as our knowledge is concerned .we conclude in sec . v. for a particle on a plane with length scale @xmath6 has been plotted as a function of @xmath7 .the probability density is zero at the origin ( @xmath8 ) , which is indicated as the black spot on the top of the figure.,scaledwidth=45.0% ]before discussing the problem of a free particle moving on a full line let us first review the problem on a half line @xcite . because then particle on a full line is just a generalization .it is known that the free particle on a half line can be made self - adjoint and there exist a bound state of the particle .the 1-dimensional hamiltonian for the particle in the interval @xmath9 is of the simple form ( @xmath10 ) @xmath11 we are interested in the bound state problem for the particle .the hamiltonian is manifestly scale covariant under the transformation @xmath12 , @xmath1 .so there is no scale in the problem and it suggests that the particle does not have any bound state @xcite .but the inequivalent quantization of the system with the self - adjoint domain @xmath13 allows us to get a bound state solution with energy eigenvalue and eigenfunction respectively given by @xmath14 where @xmath15 has to be positive and finite in order to make the solution @xmath16 square - integrable .the hidden scale @xmath15 , called the self - adjoint extension parameter , breaks the scale invariance of the system .this is a simple quantum mechanical example of scaling anomaly .the probability density for the wave - packet confined on a half line has been shown in fig .3 . for a particle on a part of the plane ( first quadrant ) with length scale @xmath6 has been plotted as a function of @xmath7 .the probability density is zero at the origin ( @xmath8).,scaledwidth=50.0% ] we now generalize the same problem by considering it on a full line , @xmath17 instead on a half line .the hamiltonian now possesses reflection symmetry in addition to its scale invariance contrary to the half line case , which had only scale invariance .we can exploit the the reflection symmetry of the problem to reduce it on the form ( [ 1h1 ] ) by using the transformation @xmath18 .so the analysis will be same , but the normalization constant of the bound state wave - function will now change due to reflection symmetry in the problem .the bound state solutions are @xmath19 note the simplicity of the result ( [ 1h2s ] ) , but despite its simplicity it has remained unnoticed so far. it is however know for a long time that particle on a line with @xmath20-function potential has bound state solution @xcite .in fact the result is same as what we have obtained without any potential but using sae .the probability density has a pick at the origin , which has been shown in fig .5 . for a particle on a half line ( @xmath21 ) with length scale @xmath6 has been plotted as a function of @xmath22 .the probability density is maximum at the origin.,scaledwidth=45.0% ]to show the ring shaped localization of a free particle wave - function around the origin of a plane @xcite due to the hidden scale , we consider a particle of mass @xmath23 on @xmath24-@xmath25 plane .the hamiltonian of the system can be written in term of a 2-dimensional laplacian @xmath26 . in polar co - ordinates ( @xmath27 ) the radial eigenvalue equation with eigen - value @xmath28 can easily be separated with the radial hamiltonian @xmath29 where @xmath30 and @xmath31 is the 1-st and 2-nd order derivative w.r.t @xmath32 respectively and @xmath33 is the angular momentum quantum number .usual practice is to define a very restricted symmetric domain for this system so that it can be extended to a self - adjoint domain .one of the possible domains over which the hamiltonian is symmetric is of the form @xmath34 the domain @xmath35 is so restricted that it fails to make @xmath36 self - adjoint .then one seeks for a sae . using von neumann s methodit can be shown that the domain over which the hamiltonian @xmath36 is self - adjoint is of the following form @xmath37 where @xmath38 is the domain of the operator @xmath39 , which is adjoint to @xmath36 .the dimensionless parameter @xmath40 is called the sae parameter .note that the dimension - full constant @xmath41 is incorporated into the domain @xmath42 through the elements @xmath43 of the deficiency space , which is spanned by the solutions of the equation @xmath44 the element @xmath45 is explicitly written as @xmath46 .now the system defined by @xmath47 and @xmath48 has a length scale @xmath15 , hidden in the boundary condition .the bound state for the system is now exists for @xmath49 wave and it will now depend on two independent parameters @xmath50 and @xmath15 .the bound state energy @xmath51 has certain interesting features , for example it is periodic in @xmath50 , @xmath52 so the bound state energy @xmath51 can be written in terms of a periodic function @xmath53 as @xmath54 the exact form of the function @xmath55 can be found from the domain @xmath42 .the bound state eigenfunction for @xmath56 is of the form @xcite @xmath57 where @xmath58 is the modified bessel function @xcite , which has logarithmic divergence at the origin but the probability density obtained from it goes to zero at origin , which has been shown in fig . 1 .is confined in a part of the 3-dimensional space specified by @xmath59 , thetain[0 , pi/12 ] , piin[0,2pi] ] .the probability distribution @xmath60 of the particle as a function of the radial co - ordinate will look like fig .3 , where probability density for a particle moving on a half line has been plotted .the reason for this similarity is obvious from the fact that for @xmath61 , the solid angle reduces to a half line.,scaledwidth=40.0% ] we now consider the situation , where the particle is moving on a part of the plane not on a whole plane and ask the question whether the method of sae is still capable of binding the particle on the restricted region of the plane , for example in the region specified by @xmath62 ] , where @xmath63 .this problem can be easily solved once the eigen - value equation for the angular operator @xmath64 is solved .but we do nt need to explicitly solve the angular part for our discussion .what we need to know is that whether there exists any eigenvalue within the interval @xmath65 , because then only we can expect bound state solutions .one can easily convince oneself that @xmath66 is one of the eigen - functions of the operator @xmath67 with eigen - value @xmath68 . note that @xmath69 has the time reversal symmetry @xcite .thus the radial hamiltonian for @xmath70 wave will be @xmath71 , which has been shown in ( [ 2b ] ) and ( [ 2bs ] ) to possess bound state solution .the probability density for the radial eigen - function has been plotted in fig .2 . for @xmath72 . of a particle on a full line ( @xmath17 ) with length scale @xmath6 has been plotted as a function of @xmath22 .the probability density is maximum at the origin.,scaledwidth=45.0% ]we consider a free particle moving in @xmath73 dimensional flat space .the hamiltonian for the system is then written in the following form @xmath74 since ( [ nd1 ] ) has only kinetic term , it gives classically scale invariant action under the scale transformation @xmath75 , @xmath76 .thus , usually it does not have any bound state solutions and only has free particle solutions @xmath77 , where @xmath78 is the wave vector of the particle .the energy for the free particle eigen - function , @xmath79 , is continuous .we now seek for a nontrivial solution of the schrdinger eigenvalue equation for the hamiltonian @xmath80 .in spherical polar co - ordinates ( @xmath81 ) the radial hamiltonian can be separated in the following form @xmath82 we can now use the transformation @xmath83 on the schrdinger eigenvalue equation @xmath84 .the hamiltonian of the transformed eigenvalue equation @xmath85 has the very familiar form @xmath86 , with @xmath87 .it can be shown that @xmath88 have only one bound state for @xmath89 @xcite .one can check that for @xmath90 and @xmath91 the effective coupling constant @xmath92 lies in the specified interval .thus only s - waves for @xmath93 and @xmath94 support bound state @xcite .the bound state solutions can be found from the self - adjoint domain @xmath95 where @xmath96 and @xmath97 is the domain of the adjoint hamiltonian @xmath98 .note that the scale @xmath15 is within the domain @xmath99 , which has been introduced at the time of sae .the bound state solution will now depend on the value of @xmath92 in the interval .the bound state problem on a plane ( @xmath93 ) has been discussed in the previous section .therefore we now concentrate the three dimensional ( @xmath5 ) problem .the hamiltonian simply becomes @xmath100 , because the dimensionless coupling @xmath101 , for @xmath90 and @xmath5 .it is now a one dimensional problem on a half line , which has been discussed in sec .ii . the probability density for the wave - packet will be like fig .one can also consider the situation where a particle is moving only in a portion of a 3-dimensional space , for example in the region @xmath102 , @xmath103 , @xmath104 ] , where @xmath105 . to solve this problem we need to solve the angular part .in fact in our purpose it is enough to know the coupling constant of the inverse square centrifugal term .one can convince oneself that @xmath106 ( complex valued constant ) is the trivial eige - function of @xmath67 with eigenvalue @xmath107 .once again it reduces to a problem on a half line , discussed in sec .ii . in fig . 4 particle confinement in a solid angle has been considered , where the probability density looks like fig .free particle hamiltonian usually does not possess any bound state solution due to the absence of any scale in the problem .but we have discussed that the scale , hidden in the boundary condition , may be responsible to localize the wave packet . as an example we have discussed the known problem of particle on a half line and particle on a plane to show that the scale hidden within the boundary condition is responsible for localizing the wave - packet .we have also discussed that the free particle on a full line does have bound state if inequivalent quantization is considered .it is however known that a @xmath20-function potential can bind a particle on a full line .so one may think that the sae induces a @xmath20-function potential in the system .similar confinement of the wave packet has been shown to hold for the case of a particle moving on a portion of a plane and in a portion of a 3-dimensional space .these types of very unusual localized wave - packet in some portions of a two and three dimensional spaces does not seem to have appeared in literature .we are grateful to p. b. pal for some useful discussions and suggestions regarding sec .ii .t. r. govindarajan , v. suneeta and s. vaidya , nucl . phys . *b583 * , 291 ( 2000 ) ; h. e. camblong , l. n. epele , h. fanchiotti and c. a. g. canal , phys .lett . * 87 * 220402 ( 2001 ) ; h. e. camblong , c. r. ordonez , phys . rev . *d68 * , 125013 ( 2003 ) .

answer:we show that the intriguing localization of a free particle wave - packet is possible due to a hidden scale present in the system . self - adjoint extensions ( sae ) is responsible for introducing this scale in quantum mechanical models through the nontrivial boundary conditions . we discuss a couple of classically scale invariant free particle systems to illustrate the issue . in this context it has been shown that a free quantum particle moving on a full line may have localized wave - packet around the origin . as a generalization , it has also been shown that particles moving on a portion of a plane or on a portion of a three dimensional space can have unusual localized wave - packet .

question:You will be shown an abstract from a research paper, and a corresponding research question. Determine the answer to the research question based on the context provided. Your answer should be one of: "YES", "NO", or "MAYBE".Context:(BACKGROUND) The intent of this study was to determine if the use of a single or combination of static foot posture measurements can be used to predict rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot plantar surface area in individuals with pronated or normal foot types.(METHODS) Twelve foot measurements were collected on 52 individuals (mean age 25.8 years) with the change in midfoot width used to place subjects in a pronated or normal foot mobility group. Dynamic plantar contact area was collected during walking with a pressure sensor platform. The 12 measures were entered into a stepwise regression analysis to determine the optimal set of measures associated with regional plantar surface area.(RESULTS) A two variable model was found to describe the relationship between the foot measurements and forefoot plantar contact area (r(2)=0.79, p<0.0001). A four variable model was found to describe the relationship between the foot measurements and midfoot plantar contact area (r(2)=0.85, p<0.0001) in those individuals with a 1.26cm or greater change in midfoot width.Question:Can static foot posture measurements predict regional plantar surface area?Answer:


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