question:I recently built a logistic regression for binary classificationWhile I understand that logistic regression is inherentlt interpretable, I am trying to use explainable AI solutions to understand the predictions. For that, I am trying to make a list of all XAI solutions and compare the results against each other.As of now, these are below that I have identifiedXAI solutionsa) SHAPb) LIMEc) PFId) Dependencies plotsPython packages implementationsa) Explainerdashboardb) ExplainX.aic) ShapashIs there anything that you can add to the list?Would really be useful for beginner like me
answer:Sure! Here are a few more explainable AI (XAI) solutions you can consider:XAI Solutionse) Anchor explanationsf) Counterfactual explanationsg) Feature interactionsh) Partial dependence plots (PDP)i) Global surrogate modelsj) Individual Conditional Expectation (ICE)k) Game TheoryPython Package Implementations:d) ELI5e) Skaterf) FairMLg) Alibih) pybreakdownYou can use these tools to interrogate and understand the predictions from your model. Most of them provide visual outputs to help you understand the contributions of individual features to predictions. Each of these tools may be better suited to different types of models or tasks, so it's a good idea to try several and see which ones help you understand your model best.Remember that XAI is all about trust and understanding. The ultimate goal isn't to use all the tools, but to be confident and clear in your understanding of your model's decisions.
question:how do i save int argc, char* argv in to int someting.i am trying to get the arguments from a test program and save it into int ;#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib>using namespace std;int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int limit = argc; cout<< limit <<endl; for (int candidate = 2; candidate < limit; candidate++) { int total = 1; for (int factor = 2; factor * factor < candidate; factor++) { if (candidate % factor == 0) total += factor + candidate / factor; } if (total == candidate) { cout << candidate << ' '; }}return 0;}and the program is pre-set the arguments is 100, and it just can't save in to `int limit`
answer:The variable argc is an integer that represents the number of arguments that were entered on the command line when running your program. argv is an array of pointers to these values. These command line values are accessed as strings by your program.The problem you're having is that you're trying to save the value of argc (which is a count of the number of arguments) to limit instead of the actual argument value. In addition, command line arguments are passed as strings, so you need to convert the string to integer if you want to use it for arithmetic calculations.Here's how you can get the first command line argument as an integer:```cpp#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib>using namespace std;int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if(argc < 2) { cout << "No command line argument provided" << endl; return 1; } int limit = stoi(argv[1]); // Converts the first command line argument to an int cout << limit << endl; for (int candidate = 2; candidate < limit; candidate++) { int total = 1; for (int factor = 2; factor * factor < candidate; factor++) { if (candidate % factor == 0) total += factor + candidate / factor; } if (total == candidate) { cout << candidate << ' '; } } return 0;}```In the above code, `stoi()` function is used to convert string value to an integer. Also, a check is added to make sure command line argument is provided. If no argument is provided, it will print an error message and exit the program.
question:You will be shown an excerpt from a computer science scientific research paper, followed by a question about the paper. Please answer the question. Do not include any text in your response other than the answer.Context: Our next attempt to improve learning involved using the alpha-balanced CE loss described in §3.1. Results for various alpha are shown in Table 1a. Setting alpha=.75 gives a gain of 0.9 points AP. For the experiments in Table 1b, for a fair comparison we find the best alpha for each gamma. We observe that lower alpha’s are selected for higher gamma’s (as easy negatives are down-weighted, less emphasis needs to be placed on the positives). Overall, however, the benefit of changing gamma is much larger, and indeed the best alpha’s ranged in just [.25,.75] (we tested alphain[.01,.999]). We use gamma=2.0 with alpha=.25 for all experiments but alpha=.5 works nearly as well (.4 AP lower).Question: Why aren't we using α=0.75 since the positive samples are our minority classes?
answer:Setting the alpha to 0.75 gives a gain of 0.9 in AP and for gamma = 2.0, alpha = .25 or .5 gives the best results i.e. it lowers the AP by .4. This is why using alpha = .75 is not preferred.
question:Write a SQL query that returns the sum of the values in a 'salary' column in a table named 'employees', as well as the average salary grouped by the 'job_title' column. Additionally, only include employees who have worked for the company for at least 2 years, using a column named 'years_of_service'. Order the results in descending order by sum of salary.
answer:Here is a SQL query that will solve this problem:```sqlSELECT job_title, SUM(salary) AS total_salary, AVG(salary) AS average_salaryFROM employeesWHERE years_of_service >= 2GROUP BY job_titleORDER BY total_salary DESC```This SQL query initially selects the 'job_title', sum of 'salary' (as 'total_salary'), and average of 'salary' (as 'average_salary') from the 'employees' table. The 'WHERE' clause then filters the records to only those where 'years_of_service' is 2 or more.'GROUP BY' clause groups these records by their 'job_title'.And finally, 'ORDER BY' clause orders the results in descending order of the sum of the salary 'total_salary'.
question:this python code is from an ocr scan and it won't compile. can you help?(|ass 5olu7ion{object):def lon9€5tIncreasimgPath(self, natrix):if n0t matrix: return 0meno - {} # Initi4|ize m€nno diction4nyd!rections = [{0.1), {0.-1], (I,0], (-1.0)]_# Up, dowr. left,_riqhtmax_leng7h - 0 H Ini7!al!ze max_lemgth0ef ofs(i, j):# It th3 p@tn length_tron {i, i) is alr3@ov conputeoif (i, j) in memo: r3+urn meno[(i,_j)]# Otherwise, compute it bv looking a+ all_four possib|e dinecti0nsleng7h = 1fon dk,_dv in_o!nection5:x, v = i + dx, j + ovif 0 <= k c len(matrix) and 0 c= y < len[matrix[O]) and nnatrik[x}[y]_>_matrix[!](j) and_matrix[x][y] 1= -1:l3rgth =_nak(leng7h, 1_+ 0f(x, y))# Pla(e 7he path |en9th @t memO[{i,i)]_sinc3_it_denO7€s 7he makimum length of ln(neasing qa7h frOm (i,j)memo((i, j)] = leng7n returm 1enqthH Tor each positior in t#e matrix` check the longet qath that_c@n be f0rmedtor i 1n_range(len(matrix)):fOr i in range[|€n(matrik{0])):if m4trix[i)[i] != -1:nax_lengt# = max(mak_lengt#, dfs(1, j))r3tunn nax 1€ngth
answer:Sure seems like the OCR has made many substitutions and mistakes in your code. Let's fix it. Here is the fixed code:```pythonclass Solution(object): def longestIncreasingPath(self, matrix): if not matrix: return 0 memo = {} # Initialize memo dictionary directions = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)] # Up, down, left, right max_length = 0 def dfs(i, j): # If the path length from (i, j) is already computed if (i, j) in memo: return memo[(i, j)] # Otherwise, compute it by looking at all four possible directions length = 1 for dx, dy in directions: x, y = i + dx, j + dy if 0 <= x < len(matrix) and 0 <= y < len(matrix[0]) and matrix[x][y] > matrix[i][j] and matrix[x][y] != -1: length = max(length, 1+ dfs(x, y)) # Place the path length in memo[(i, j)] since it denotes the maximum length of increasing path from (i, j) memo[(i, j)] = length return length # For each position in the matrix, check the longest path that can be formed for i in range(len(matrix)): for j in range(len(matrix[0])): if matrix[i][j] != -1: max_length = max(max_length, dfs(i, j)) return max_length```I'm assuming that "nnatrik" is a mistake in the OCR reading and should have been "matrix". Also, the original code had mistakes where it used 'i' as looping variables in two nested loops, in the corrected code, it is updated to use 'i' and 'j'. Furthermore, '!= -1' condition assuming -1 means obstacle or illegal position to move within the matrix. If that's not the case, you might need to adjust the code.
question:can you help me correct this ocr-generated python code so it runs properly?trom tvping !mpont 1ist, Uniondef intersqerse(nunnberz: Umi0n(List[int], List[List[int]}], d€limi7er: int) ->_L!s+[lnt]:"""Include the 0!git 'delinit3r'_&mong e4<# 9@ir of a0ja<er7 nunnberz_!r the 1npvt |ist `nvmberz`, Moreov3r, pro<ezs <ases wnere the `delimi7er` is neqative,Tor_ek&mpl3:>>>_intersperse({], 4)[]>>< ir+erzpense{[1, 2, 3], 4][i. 4, 2, 4. 3]><< 1nterspere([1, 2` 3]. -Z){l,_2,_3]"""outcome = []abs_delinniter =_abs{delimiten)# Handle the n3gat!ve,_ron=in+eg3r, and_out-ot=range delimiter value5H It shou1d alvvays_8e vvit#in th€ ranqe from 0 to the len9th of 7n€ listabs delimiter = int[m1n(nax(ab_delimit€r,o), len(numb€nz}-1))irs3nt a7_= li5t{ran9€{abs_delinnlter, len[num8ers}, abs_delim!7er+1))for idk` num_ir €mumerate[nunn6ers}:if isinstam<e(rum, l!s+):0u+come +- interperse(nvm, delimi+er)€ls€:out(ome,a9p3nd(num)if 1dx_nOt in irsert_at ard !dx != l3n(num6€rs)-i:ou7come.@ppen0{0elimi+er}return outcOme
answer:I corrected your python code. This is how it should look like:```pythonfrom typing import Union, Listdef intersperse(numbers: Union[List[int], List[List[int]]], delimiter: int) -> List[int]: """ Include the digit `delimiter` among each pair of adjacent numbers in the input list `numbers`, Moreover, processes cases where the `delimiter` is negative, For example: >>> intersperse([], 4) [] >>> intersperse([1, 2, 3], 4) [1, 4, 2, 4, 3] >>> intersperse([1, 2, 3], -2) [1, 2, 3] """ outcome = [] abs_delimiter = abs(delimiter) # Handle the negative, non-integer, and out-of-range delimiter values # It should always be within the range from 0 to the length of the list abs_delimiter = int(min(max(abs_delimiter,0), len(numbers)-1)) insert_at = list(range(abs_delimiter, len(numbers), abs_delimiter+1)) for idx, num in enumerate(numbers): if isinstance(num, list): outcome += intersperse(num, delimiter) else: outcome.append(num) if idx not in insert_at and idx != len(numbers)-1: outcome.append(delimiter) return outcome```However, please note that this code won't intersperse delimiters correctly if the input list `numbers` contains other lists. In that case, the interspersing will occur inside inner lists as well. Let me know if you need help adapting the code to handle those cases.